Administrative divisions
Educational and Methodological Department
The Academic and Methodological Department of SRU KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov is a structural unit responsible for organizing and improving the educational process, coordinating the academic and methodological activities of faculty, ensuring the regulatory and legal framework of educational activities, addressing the methodological support of disciplines, ensuring quality education, implementing educational innovations, monitoring curricula, conducting seminars, providing advisory support to faculty, organizing international olympiads, overseeing the Academic and Methodological Council and its commissions, publishing the Academic and Methodological Bulletin, and more.
The staff of the Academic and Methodological Department consists of highly qualified specialists who perform their duties at an exceptionally high level.
Main Objectives of the Academic and Methodological Department:
Creating favorable conditions for ensuring high-quality professional education.
Engaging employers in discussions of educational programs, defining professional competencies of graduates, and developing academic and methodological support for disciplines (curricula, syllabi, teaching materials, etc.).
Establishing business partnerships with foreign institutions for joint research, the exchange of methodological developments, and the implementation of innovative teaching methodologies.
Justifying and implementing educational programs that ensure continuous education and actively integrating innovations into the educational process.
Strengthening ties with international partners to conduct joint research and improve the educational process.
Involving leading economists, practitioners, and heads of economic departments from enterprises and organizations in the teaching process.
Promoting academic mobility for students and faculty members.
Current Priority Areas for Educational Organization and Management at the University:
International accreditation of educational programs;
Improving the quality of education;
Transitioning to individualized learning paths;
Digitalization of the educational process.
The full-scale implementation of this plan aims to have a systemic impact on academic and methodological support and the overall development of the university.
Higher professional education training for students with secondary specialized education is carried out in eight specializations. The principles of educational organization, its supervision, and financing of educational programs are determined by the University Academic Council.
The educational process at SRU KEU is based on humanistic and secular principles, prioritizing universal human values. These values are realized through the joint educational, scientific, and social activities of students and faculty members. Instruction at the university is conducted in the state and official languages. Some courses and disciplines are taught in foreign languages, and English-taught groups are available. All educational programs offered by the university comply with the state educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic and labor market requirements. Employer representatives participate in curriculum reviews, program assessments, graduate evaluations, and accreditation of educational programs and the university.
A key component of the university’s educational activities is the organization of the educational process and academic-methodological work, which is managed by the Academic and Methodological Department. This department ensures regulatory and organizational support, develops methodological principles for improving and modernizing the educational process, coordinates academic and methodological work across university units, and facilitates the integration of interactive and innovative teaching methods into the educational process. Through the targeted organization of the learning process, the selection of teaching methods and educational technologies, students are provided with all necessary conditions to master their educational programs successfully.
The university’s higher professional education programs in "Economics" and "Management" hold international accreditation, confirming their compliance with global quality standards in education.
Key Features of the University’s Academic Process:
A summer semester is included in the academic schedule, allowing students to receive additional instruction and consultations to eliminate academic deficiencies.
Students who have not completed the academic program within the academic year and summer semester have the option to retake courses, choosing their instructors and study formats.
Students select elective courses within the required volume set by national educational standards. The Academic and Methodological Department, in collaboration with faculty, compiles a catalog of elective courses to enhance students' motivation and facilitate the creation of individualized learning trajectories.
The university is implementing a competency-based approach to student education, leading to changes in instructional guidance, learning objectives, teaching methods, and student-teacher interactions.
The role of independent student work is increasing, with faculty developing new textbooks, teaching guides, and methodological materials. Educational resources are available through the university's "E-Bilim" information system.
Given the growing demand for higher qualifications and competencies among faculty, the Academic and Methodological Department conducts various seminars, training sessions, and professional development courses to enhance pedagogical skills, professional expertise, and digital communication competencies of university instructors.
The integration of the principle "teacher and student – partners" and academic integrity within the student community contributes to upholding the university’s Student Honor Code and the Professional Ethics Code for faculty, which were adopted through a university-wide referendum.
Internationalization of Education and Digitalization at SRU KEU:
The university actively collaborates with international educational centers, associations, financial institutions, and innovative educational projects, leading to the implementation of various educational innovations.
SRU KEU has adopted the Bologna Process principles, including a multi-level education system, credit-based learning, academic mobility, issuance of the European Diploma Supplement, and a quality management system. The university is currently studying national and international PhD training experiences to transition to a three-level education system.
Education internationalization remains a key priority for the university, fostering global academic cooperation, international student internships, and expanded academic mobility programs.
Since 2012, SRU KEU graduates receive the European Diploma Supplement, a document facilitating the academic and professional recognition of their qualifications.
As a modern higher education institution, SRU KEU prioritizes the digitalization of education by integrating advanced technical resources, methodologies, and IT practices to achieve learning objectives. This process enhances education management mechanisms, creates communication networks, and improves instructional methods and organizational formats. The university has developed and successfully implemented an automated university management system (E-Bilim), which improves university efficiency. Additionally, the local university network facilitates quick information exchange and communication among faculty and students. The university’s educational portal contains a database of regulatory, informational, and academic-methodological materials in electronic format, providing students with access to essential learning resources.
As a result, the number of visitors to the university’s educational portal is steadily growing, demonstrating the increasing effectiveness of digital educational resources at SRU KEU.
A.T. Surambaeva
Head of EMD
B.A. Karimova
Deputy EMD
A.B. Tuksarieva
Chief Specialist of EMD
T.A. Shadybekova
Chief Specialist of EMD
HR department
Throughout its existence, starting from the Frunze College of Soviet Trade, then the college, institute, and university, the Human Resources Department has been an integral part of the university's structure.
Personnel management was established simultaneously with the opening of the Frunze College of Soviet Trade in 1953. At that time, it was handled by a single person, secretary-typist K.P. Seredina. The teaching staff in 1953 consisted of approximately nine people. When discussing the history of KEU, it is impossible not to mention those who initiated this history, namely the first teachers of the Frunze College of Soviet Trade: N.Z. Biryukova, U. Upiev, I.A. Kachayev, Z.P. Shchegolikhina, G.P. Rybakov, L.E. Nemov, A.E. Anikin, O.M. Bychkov, I.D. Surguchev, G.K. Novokhatskaya, L.N. Sokolova, K.R. Bazarbaev, S.N. Brimkulov, G.M. Shakhtiev, L.I. Verenichkina, K.K. Ismailova, N.A. Trishkina, G.U. Shadykanova, I.M. Baranovskaya, K.T. Berdibaeva, and many others. Many of them continue to work to this day.
During its existence, the college trained mid-level specialists for the trade and public catering sectors. In 1987, it began training specialists in the field of "Jurisprudence." As new specialties were introduced, the number of college instructors increased accordingly.
Over time, as the city developed and the republic's economy expanded, there was an increasing demand for young, qualified personnel. The college was no longer able to produce the required number of specialists. Therefore, it became necessary to develop and keep pace with the times. Thus, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan No. 375/1 dated July 26, 1991, the Frunze College of Soviet Trade was renamed Bishkek Commercial College. This period marked the foundation of one of Kyrgyzstan's leading universities—the future Kyrgyz Economic University named after Musa Ryskulbekov.
Starting in 1995, with the appointment of Tolobek Kadyralievich Kamchybekov as the director of Bishkek Commercial College (who at that time was the only candidate of sciences in the institution), the number of instructors increased, and the quality of faculty improved.
Currently, the Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov" is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Almaz Toktobekovich Kadyraliev.
The Human Resources Department holds one of the most important and significant positions in the Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after Musa Ryskulbekov" (REU KEU).
The main purpose of the Human Resources Department is to implement personnel policies in accordance with the university’s interests, act in compliance with labor legislation, and participate in the execution of various social programs.
Personnel management is a comprehensive set of organizational measures and strategic steps aimed at maximizing the professional capabilities of employees. Thoughtful decisions by HR specialists ensure effective labor organization and career growth for every staff member.
An emphasis on intelligence, competence, and professionalism is one of the key conditions for employment at REU KEU. The university currently has a stable and highly qualified faculty and teaching staff.
Human potential is the determining factor in achieving set goals. Regardless of the latest technologies or the most favorable external conditions, high work efficiency cannot be achieved without a well-prepared staff. Therefore, the proper assessment of human capabilities, their rational use, the establishment of a rapid adaptation system, and the creation of socially comfortable conditions for personal self-realization are top priorities for the university's Human Resources Department.
The foundation of REU KEU’s success lies primarily in its professional team with many years of experience, highly qualified specialists, and a shared corporate culture.
- - Full-text electronic "Ihtik Library"
- - Business Library of Electronic Books
R.R. Ziyazova
Head of HR Department
G.R. Ziganshina
Senior Inspector
K.T. Orozakunova
chief specialist in
working with
educational documents
R.V. Yangildina
Inspector of the
student department
Department of Quality and Accreditation
KEU is one of the first universities in Kyrgyzstan to join the Bologna Process, and its activities are oriented towards international education standards. This enables graduates, both bachelor's and master's students, to receive the European Diploma Supplement, allowing them to pursue employment freely in the CIS countries and Europe. The university is a member of numerous international university associations, including Eurodip, EdNet, DAAD, the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, the CANGA Network, and Accels. Through these memberships, KEU facilitates student and faculty exchanges, organizes scientific internships, and conducts joint research.
As part of the CANGA project (Central Asian Network for Quality Assurance and Accreditation), the university underwent international accreditation in 2012 and received a quality certification for the "Management" and "Economics" programs.
From September 15-17, 2020, KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov successfully passed an international program accreditation for five years. This accreditation was conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, for the following programs:
Bachelor’s programs:
- 580100 Economics
- 580200 Management
- 580500 Business Informatics
- 600200 Tourism
- 580300 Commerce
- Business Administration
Master’s programs:
- 580300 Commerce
- 580500 Business Informatics
- 600200 Tourism
According to the adopted "Education Development Strategy in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2025," the primary priority in higher education policy is improving the quality assurance system.
Ensuring high-quality education, maintaining its fundamental nature, and aligning with the current and future needs of individuals, society, and the state is the main objective of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov. To achieve this goal, the university has established the Department of Quality and Accreditation, which is responsible for implementing an education quality management system, an internal quality assurance system, and preparing the university for national and international accreditations.
The main objectives of the department are:
- Building, maintaining, and improving the quality management system
- Ensuring the implementation of the university's quality management policies
- Managing the procedures for licensing, national, and international accreditation of the university and its academic programs
To achieve these objectives, the department undertakes the following tasks:
- Optimizing all university work processes
- Organizing documentation support for the university’s quality management system
- Providing organizational, methodological, and informational support for licensing, national, and international accreditation processes for the university and its programs
- Developing technologies for monitoring and evaluating the university’s activities
- Conducting internal monitoring of compliance with licensing requirements and accreditation indicators for both the university and its academic programs
The Department of Quality and Accreditation works on preparing the university for international and national accreditations and implementing the Quality Management System (QMS).
As part of efforts to improve the quality of the educational process, a "Quality Council" has been established, consisting of heads of structural units and department chairs. An updated set of self-assessment documents has been prepared, taking into account feedback from past accreditation processes. The upcoming university self-assessment will involve external experts, marking a new and essential approach to this work.
The activities of the Quality and Accreditation Department are structured around an annual action plan, which is developed based on recommendations and suggestions from stakeholders. According to this plan, the university will conduct an internal audit of the quality of the educational process twice a year to enhance the performance of all departments and faculties.
By implementing this quality strategy, SRU KEU gains an effective tool for ensuring high-quality education.
N.K. Rasulova
Head of DQA
S. Talasbek k.
DQA specialist
A.R. Ormonkulova
Chief Specialist of
the College of Economics
and Service
International Cooperation and Project Implementation Office
The Department of International Cooperation and Project Implementation at the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov (KEU) plays a key role in implementing the university's international integration and development strategy. Its primary mission is to expand and strengthen international relations, facilitate academic mobility, and promote the university on the global educational stage. The department establishes partnerships with foreign educational, scientific, and cultural institutions while supporting international projects and programs aimed at enhancing the quality of education and research. Within its activities, the department actively works on attracting international grants, maintaining relationships with foreign partners, and ensuring the successful implementation of joint educational initiatives.
The Department of International Cooperation and Project Implementation (DICPI) carries out the following tasks:
Developing international cooperation programs;
Engaging faculty members in international cooperation;
Organizing student training under academic mobility programs at partner universities;
Organizing international internships for faculty members;
Providing advisory support to the university's faculty members;
Conducting informational and representative activities;
Enhancing institutional capacity within international projects.
As part of educational programs, DICPI implements projects across various fields to enhance the university’s potential in consortiums with partner universities from Europe, East Asia, CIS countries, and Kyrgyzstan.
Erasmus+ Program Initiatives:
DICPI operates within the European Erasmus+ program in two main directions:
KA1 – Mobility Project: This includes student mobility/internships at all levels and faculty/staff mobility/internships. The following activities are continuously implemented:
Consultation on programs for faculty, students, and all interested parties;
Assistance in visa processing for outbound and inbound faculty, students, and guest lecturers;
Establishing cooperation with foreign universities as well as universities within the country for internal mobility.
KA2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education: This includes joint projects based on multilateral partnerships aimed at:
Developing and modernizing curricula and programs;
Implementing contemporary teaching methods;
Upgrading educational infrastructure;
Enhancing university management and governance;
Strengthening ties between universities and industries.
Ongoing Projects:
I. Academic Mobility of Students and Faculty
Erasmus+ student mobility project at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (Germany);
Erasmus+ student and faculty mobility project at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania);
Erasmus+ student and faculty mobility project at Masaryk University (Czech Republic);
Erasmus+ student and faculty mobility project at the University of Valladolid (Spain);
Mevlana student and faculty mobility project at universities in Turkey;
Academic mobility project with universities in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan;
Erasmus+ student and faculty mobility project at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece);
Erasmus+ student mobility project at Sichuan University of Tourism (China);
Tempus UNIVIA student mobility project at Baku State University (BSU).
II. International Projects:
Tempus UNIVIA: "Development and Improvement of International Activities of Universities"
Erasmus+ EUCA-INVEST: "Investing in Entrepreneurial Universities of the Caucasus and Central Asia"
Erasmus+ HECAFS: "Higher Education for Food Systems and Standards in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan"
Erasmus+ LMPT: "Sustainable Development of Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs for Tourism Development in China, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan"
Norwegian Project: "Sustainable Tourism Development through Rural Entrepreneurship and Cultural Heritage between Norway, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan"
Talent Project: "Creating a Master’s Program in HRM and Talent Development in Central Asia"
Erasmus+ EGEA: "Enhancing the Green Economy in Three Asian Countries"
The Kyrgyz Economic University maintains strong partnerships with leading higher education institutions in Russia, Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal, England, Austria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and other countries worldwide.
A.T Beishenova
Vice-Rector for
International Cooperation and
Project Implementation
B.Zh. Zhanibekov
Coordinator for
academic mobility and
international programs
E.N. Nurlanbekova
Chief specialist
B. Abas u.
Website specialist
Career Center
The Career Center is a structural unit of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov (KEU).
Mission and Objectives
The Career Center aims to facilitate the successful employment, professional development, and career growth of KEU students and graduates. Its activities align with the university's strategic plan and are guided by an annual work plan.
Key Areas of Work
Graduate Orientation to the Regional Job Market
- Assisting students in employment opportunities.
- Helping them adapt to modern labor market conditions and professional requirements.
Strategic Partnerships
- Collaborating with employers.
- Organizing job fairs.
- Establishing agreements with various organizations.
Career Development Strategies
- Guiding students in career planning according to their academic programs.
Marketing & PR Activities
- Analyzing and forecasting employer needs.
- Monitoring students’ professional preferences and graduates' employment outcomes.
- Conducting PR events and disseminating employment-related information.
Graduate Support System
KEU continually updates its graduate support system. The university’s official website provides students with information on labor market trends and employment opportunities.
The Career Center organizes career development events and maintains tailored information for job seekers, employers, and other stakeholders. It also provides individual and group consultations on employment, professional adaptation, self-presentation, and labor market trends.
Partnerships & Employment Opportunities
The Career Center secures long-term cooperation agreements with partner companies. These agreements allow students to complete internships and gain potential employment in relevant fields.
How to Create an Effective Resume
1. Accuracy & Grammar
- Avoid typos, slang, and grammatical errors.
- Errors can lead to rejection before consideration.
2. Relevance to the Job
- Align your resume with the job description.
- Highlight relevant experience and skills.
- If unsure about including certain details, it's better to add them and clarify during an interview.
3. Optimal Resume Length
- 1–2 pages is ideal.
- Prioritize concise, relevant information.
- Avoid salary expectations.
4. Formatting Tips (for Word documents)
- Use space efficiently (tables with 3 columns help).
- Reduce font size (while keeping readability).
- Adjust margins and headers.
Common Resume Structure
Personal Information
- Full Name
- Phone Number
- City of Residence
- (Optional: Age, Marital Status)
Professional Skills
- List skills relevant to the desired position.
Work Experience
- List jobs in reverse chronological order.
- Describe responsibilities and achievements in detail for recent roles.
- Summarize academic background.
- Recent graduates should include coursework, thesis, internships, etc.
Additional Information
- Courses, training, and certifications relevant to the job.
- Hobbies and interests (if relevant).
Contact Information
📍 Career Center, KEU named after M. Ryskulbekov
📍 Office 313
📅 Monday – Friday | 08:00 – 17:00
📧 Email:
Financial and economic department
The Department of Economics, Finance, and Procurement has been functioning as an independent structural unit since 1999, when the educational institution was granted the status of a higher education institution under the name "Bishkek State Institute of Economics and Commerce" (BGIEC).
The main function and task of the department is to organize the university's financial and economic activities and procurement of goods, works, and services for its needs. The department carries out its function through financial planning, which includes the development of an income and expenditure budget, systematic analysis of its execution, and daily financial control over the use of the university's budget funds.
The key elements of the financial and economic work performed by the department include:
- Developing forecasts, projects, and development plans for the university;
- Formulating proposals and recommendations for the rational use of material and financial resources and analyzing their efficiency;
- Improving and optimizing the university's structure and staffing;
- Calculating the payroll and material incentives fund, ensuring control over its expenditure, and implementing progressive forms and systems of payment and labor incentives;
- Developing a tariff (price) schedule for educational services provided by the university, among other tasks.
The department's staff consists of two employees, and it has been headed by Moldaliev Y.M. since its establishment.
Registrar's Office
The Registrar's Office (RO) was established in 2013 as a structural unit, whose activities are carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process Using the Credit Technology of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov," the "Regulations on the Registrar's Office of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov," and other normative and legal acts regulating the educational process.
The Registrar's Office of the university houses all the information related to students. The electronic database of the Registrar’s Office contains all student data, the quantitative composition, and performance quality indicators.
The structure is managed by the head of the Registrar's Office, an experienced employee from the faculty and administrative staff with an academic degree or title.
The Registrar’s Office includes three office managers who have experience working with higher education documentation and possess skills in using advanced computer programs.
Under the leadership of the head of the RO and office managers, 27 course managers are working across all fields of study offered at the university.
The goal of the Registrar's Office is to ensure the conduct and management of the educational process at KEU, as well as the calculation of students' academic rankings under the credit-based learning system, and the efficient registration of students' academic achievements throughout their period of study at the university.
The tasks of the RO include:
• Developing and monitoring the timely implementation of the academic calendar.
• Organizing current, milestone, intermediate, and final assessments within the academic process according to the university’s academic calendar.
• Maintaining documentation on the results of current, milestone, and intermediate assessments (preparing grade sheets).
• Organizing and controlling the summer semester and remedial training to eliminate academic debt and address discrepancies in curricula.
• Managing and coordinating the work of course managers.
The main functions of the RO involve planning and organizing the tracking and monitoring of students' academic activities, including creating a primary student database by program profiles and courses, organizing and conducting student registration for courses according to program profiles, preparing reports on all aspects of student academic activity, tracking student enrollment trends, and more.
N.A. Mamatova
Head of Registrar's Office
G.D. Aitkeeva office manager OR K.K. Satarova
office manager OR
Zh.A. Esengulova
office manager OR
Information Technology Center
The Information Technology Center was established in October 2014. The center was created with the aim of building a unified information space based on the use of modern information technologies and telecommunication means, ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and reliability of information provided by all structural divisions of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov.
Main tasks:
In accordance with the strategic goal, the main tasks of the Information Technology Center are:
Creation and development of a unified information network that supports electronic document management systems and automation of the educational process, ensuring the integration of the local network into the global Internet network;
Providing consulting services in the use of modern information technologies in the educational process and management activities of the university;
Establishing a repair base for computing equipment, network communications, and communication equipment;
Implementing innovative information technologies to improve the quality of information support for all types of university activities.
Functions of the Information Technology Center:
Development and implementation of information systems that automate educational activities;
Development and monitoring the use of information infrastructure that automates the collection, storage, transmission, and use of information of various types;
Development of local computing networks within the university and a unified university computer network, as well as ensuring the university’s access to the global Internet network;
Support for software used by the administrative divisions of the university;
Providing consultation on the installation of software used by university departments;
Installation and connection of computer equipment, as well as basic repair of computer and office equipment, its setup, and technical maintenance;
Antivirus software provision;
Conducting consultations on working with new software over the Internet, as well as ensuring access to Internet resources;
Ensuring the safety and protection of data stored on the university's server.
Scientific and Methodological Resource Center
The modern informational stage of societal development imposes strict demands on the level and technologies of education. The issue of existing in an immense sea of various types of information must be addressed.
The main goal of the activities of the Scientific and Methodical Resource Center (SMRC) of the Scientific Library named after A. Oruzbaev of the Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov" (hereinafter referred to as the SMRC) is to adapt the educational process to the labor market requirements, and to increase the flexibility and efficiency of work.
The SMRC is a structural unit of the Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov."
The SMRC operates in accordance with the Statute of the Research University KEU and the Regulations of the SMRC.
The SMRC is not a legal entity, however, if necessary, it can have seals, stamps, and forms.
The SMRC operates on the principle of general access, which means that the resources and equipment of the resource center can be used by all interested parties at the university.
The main directions of activity of the SMRC include:
Introduction of new information technologies in higher education.
Assistance in training faculty and staff on the implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process and work, including using distance learning technologies.
Organization of access and prompt provision of educational, teaching-methodical, and scientific-methodical information from the funds of the methodical repository of the Scientific Library named after A. Oruzbaev of the Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov."
Provision of consultative-methodical assistance on the use of modern information technologies in the organization of the educational process and self-education.
Creation of technical and informational infrastructure for obtaining education, and organization of access to the KEU's electronic library.
Accumulation of electronic educational-methodical materials for educational courses.
Creation and maintenance of a database of educational electronic resources.
Assistance to students in using information systems.
The Research University "Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov" strives to improve the quality of student learning by providing modernized educational resources designed for better comprehension of the required material based on contemporary technologies.
R.T. Ziyazov
Head of the Scientific
and Methodological
Resource Center
I.I. Nurkaliev
Chief specialist,
head of the scientific
and methodological
resource center
Printing house
The Editorial and Publishing Department was established in 1998. Its activities focused on providing necessary typographical services for the educational institution: publishing textbooks, teaching and methodical literature, scientific literature, as well as producing stationery products.
In 2012, the KEU Printing House was created based on the Editorial and Publishing Department, equipped with the most modern office printing equipment.
Tasks of the printing house:
- Fully and qualitatively meeting the typographical needs of the university's departments;
- Improving work quality by implementing advanced working methods;
- Enhancing labor organization for employees;
- Improving the material and technical base;
- Timely and high-quality execution of orders for university departments;
- Providing necessary stationery and printed products;
- Duplication on CD and DVD.
At the KEU Printing House, textbooks and teaching materials on economics, finance, banking, tourism, and other university subjects are published, along with methodological recommendations, practical guides, teaching-methodical complexes, curricula, materials from scientific-practical conferences, and more. The authors include the economic elite of Kyrgyzstan: leading economists and practitioners, KEU professors, as well as professors from other universities in the country.
Since 2006, the quarterly scientific and practical journal "KEU Bulletin" and the international scientific and informational journal "Science and Innovations" have been printed. For many years, the printing house has been producing the practical journal for finance professionals "Chief Accountant" and the scientific economic journal "Reforma."
Zh.Z. Dzhamansartov
Head of the printing house
Mr. Kalys
Chief specialist
Scientific library named after A. Oruzbaev
The library participates in all events organized by the university, organizes book exhibitions, and assists in finding information resources. The electronic database of educational and methodical resources currently contains over 10,000 items. All resources are systematically organized alphabetically. This year, the electronic database is being grouped by subject areas. By using innovative service forms, the NMRС expands its information capabilities by providing access to more than 120 electronic libraries on the Internet.
Here are some of the main resources:
- www.Lib.Ru - Maxim Moshkov Library
- - Economic Library
- - Free Literature
- www.Mavica.NET - Electronic Library
- - Free Electronic Internet Library
- - English Books, Texts in English
- - Free Electronic Library
- - Free Electronic Library
- - Free Electronic Library
- - Free Electronic Library
- - Full-text electronic "Ihtik Library"
- - Business Library of Electronic Books
- - Free download of electronic books
- - World of Books
- - Aldebaran Library
- - Educational Internet Resources
- - Planet of Books
- - Search engine for electronic libraries
- - Free download of books
- - Free download of business e-books
- - Free download of e-books
- - Free e-books download
- - Download books for free
- - Free download of computer books
- - Free book downloads
- - Free download of books and journals
- - Philosophy in Russia
- - Philosophy of History
- - Philosophy Resources
- - Works and texts
- - Electronic Library
- - Social Sciences Library
- - General Electronic Library
- - Business Electronic Library
- - Electronic Books Collection
- - Strelets Library
- - Free Electronic Editions
- - Voievodin's Library
- - Electronic Publications and Information Sites
- - Problems of Modern Economy Journal
- - Electronic Publications
- - Electronic Scientific Journals
- - Electronic Scientific Journal
- - Business Library
- - Portal of Electronic Publications
- - Printed and Electronic Publications
- - Electronic Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- - Various Resources Links
- - Electronic Books: Management, Marketing, Finance
- - Category of Books on Political Philosophy
- - Free PDF Downloads
- - Economics and Management Electronic Library
- -
- - Electronic Books
- - Free Download of E-books
- - Electronic Books
- - Free E-books
- - E-books
- www.litru./ru - Download E-books
- - Download E-books
- - Download E-books
- - Download Free E-books
- - E-books Download
- - Free E-books
- - E-books Download
- - E-books Library
- - Russian Library of E-books
- - Educational E-books
- - Travel E-books
- - E-books Collection
- - Free E-books
- - E-books Collection
- - Free E-books Collection
A.S. Karymshakova Director
N.E. Zevaeva Deputy Director
Zh.D. Atchabarova Head of the subscription department
Monthly newsletter from KEU
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