Department of International Finance and Economic Security
On behalf of the Head of the Department of "International Finance and Economic Security,"
Doctor of Economics, Professor S.Dz. Cholbayeva
Dear applicants and students!
The time has come when it is necessary to carefully consider and rethink the choice of your future profession. A thoughtful and well-considered approach to choosing a profession will help you formulate your future plans, set goals, and pave the way to realizing your dreams.
The labor market in the context of a transforming economy, global integration, and competition demands new prestigious specialties that meet the challenges of the international division of labor, new scientific-educational platforms, and services that contribute to career growth and ensure a high level of salary—such as the profiles of "International Finance" and "Economic Security."
By choosing these new specialties, which are in high demand not only in the Kyrgyz Republic but also in the global economic space, you will find and multiply your human and professional potential where many applicants may falter.
The fact is that the transformation and automation of accounting, operational, and control processes in modern conditions require the optimization and tightening of the state's control and supervisory functions, the ability to ensure the security of digital business models, international financial monitoring, and the financial-economic security of the state.
Our department prepares future compliance professionals (specialists with broad expertise) in all spheres of the economic, financial-credit, tax-budgetary, investment, and legislative activities of the state.
The future lies in these new specialties!
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