Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit
The Department of Accounting, Analysis, and Audit provides a high level of professional training for:
- Bachelor's degree students in the field of 580100 "Economics" with profiles in "Accounting, Analysis, and Audit," "Accounting and Audit in the Public Sector," "International Accounting and Audit," "IT Accounting" (4 years for SO base, 3 years for SPO base);
- Master's degree students in the field of 580100 "Economics" with profiles in "Accounting, Analysis, and Audit," "Risk Analysis and Economic Security," "Business Analytics" (2 years);
- Scientific and pedagogical staff through postgraduate and doctoral programs, and professional development.
The core professional disciplines of the department include:
- Accounting
- Economic Analysis
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
- Accounting (Financial) Reporting
- Accounting of Tax Transactions
- Audit
- Practical Audit
- Financial Analysis
- Budgeting and Cost Control
- Budget Accounting and Reporting
- Features of Accounting in Economic Sectors
Accounting and auditing, as professions, have existed since ancient times and will continue to exist forever.
In modern conditions, an accountant plays the role of a financial director, top manager, and analyst, optimizing financial flows to maximize the efficiency of the company's activities. This is an important, creative, prestigious, and highly paid profession.
The "Accounting, Analysis, and Audit" profile allows students to gain extensive economic knowledge in forming and analyzing necessary information for any enterprise about its financial condition, cash flow, income and expenses, and financial results of operations.
The "Accounting and Audit in the Public Sector" profile is aimed at preparing public servants – heads of public sector institutions and highly qualified specialists in budget accounting, analysis, state auditing, budget formation at all levels, and control over their execution.
The program includes a mandatory set of specialized subjects: Accounting (financial) accounting, accounting and reporting for government institutions, legal regulation of the activities of public administration entities, financial control, internal audit and internal control systems, taxes and taxation, audit in the public sector, international financial reporting standards in the public sector, and more.
This profile is one of the most sought after by specialists aiming for professional development in the use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), analysis, and audit, as well as in preparing economic and managerial decisions. The learning process is based on international professional programs.
The program aims to prepare qualified leaders, specialists, and consultants – experts in IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and ISA (International Standards on Auditing). Target workplaces include large commercial structures, consulting and auditing firms, banks, investment and insurance companies focused on international cooperation.
Profile "IT ACCOUNTANT" (0612)
The future specialist in accounting, in addition to the principles and rules of accounting and reporting, must gain knowledge and skills in modern technological solutions related to internet technologies, modern IT infrastructure, analytical platforms, and new accounting objects to successfully perform professional functions.
Therefore, the profession of IT accountant, formed at the intersection of economic and technical fields, will be a relevant trend in the future.
E.K. Nogoybaeva
Head of Department,
PhD in Economics,ProfessorZh.Zh. Zhumabaev
Doctor of Economics,ProfessorK.R. Zhuma
Doctor of Economics,ProfessorA.A. Osmonova
Doctor of Economics,ProfessorK.T. Berdibaeva
Ph.D., professorN.A. Mamatova
Associate ProfessorD.R. Choibekova
Associate ProfessorS.V. Zatravina
Associate ProfessorE.V. Nezametdinova
Associate ProfessorB.Sh. Ishekeeva
Associate ProfessorN.Zh. Dunganova
Associate ProfessorS.A. Akopiyanova
Associate ProfessorS.U. Ailchinova
Senior LecturerN.D. Chapaeva
Senior LecturerM.T. Tologonov
Senior LecturerN.M. Doolotkeldieva Senior Lecturer
B.U. Sagynbekova Teacher
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