Department of Finance and financial technologies named after S.A. Sulaymanbekov

Specialization 580100 "Economics"

Direction "Economics" 580100

Profile: "Finance and Credit" (Finance)

Duration of study: 4 years
Academic degree: Bachelor of Economics

The modern economy creates a high demand for qualified specialists in the financial sector, who possess a systemic understanding of economic and financial problems and can accurately assess the development potential of various market institutions, making effective decisions in non-standard situations.

Finance professionals face new tasks and international opportunities. Students studying in the "Finance and Credit" profile receive thorough fundamental training in the areas of finance, banking, monetary circulation, financial management, securities market, taxation and tax law, organization and management of enterprise cash flows, and investment and innovation activities.

While preparing bachelors in this field, emphasis is placed on developing students' analytical thinking, self-learning abilities, and systematic thinking, which are extremely valuable in the dynamic field of financial and credit activities.

Students are trained not only to analyze the business activities and financial statements of companies and organizations but also to forecast developments in various markets, assess prospects and consequences of economic transactions, and evaluate the influence of non-economic factors.

Graduates of the "Economics" direction, "Finance and Credit" profile can work professionally as economists, financial analysts, specialists in planning and financial departments, investment consultants, financial managers, financial directors, and other positions that require knowledge of financial management tools and methods.

The knowledge and skills of graduates allow them to apply for prestigious positions in serious organizations. Graduates are in stable demand on the labor market and have excellent prospects for further professional and career growth.

A Bachelor of "Finance and Credit" should have the following competencies:

  • Have a systemic understanding of the structures and development trends of the financial and credit system of the republic, the national and global economy, and the theoretical foundations and regularities of economic functioning, including transitional processes;
  • Know the principles of making and implementing economic and managerial decisions, modern schools and theories of national economics, the basics of modern state economic policy in the areas of finance, credit, and fiscal activities;
  • Have knowledge of the patterns and characteristics of the development of the financial and banking sectors, as well as domestic and international experience in managing cash flows;
  • Know the systems of state regulation of the national economy, the content and forms of financial, credit-money, budget-tax, investment, antimonopoly, and foreign economic policies;
  • Know the basics of organizing financial-budgetary and monetary-credit regulation, interconnections between different parts of monetary circulation, and monetary and trade circulation;
  • Be able to identify economic problems when analyzing specific situations in finance and banking, taxation and tax law;
  • Use basic and specialized methods of economic analysis in professional activities, develop and justify options for effective economic decisions in finance, credit-money, and fiscal spheres;
  • See prospects for the development of financial-credit relations and their professional growth.

Opportunities for further education
A Bachelor who has mastered the main educational program in the "Finance and Credit" profile is prepared for further education in a Master's program in "Economics." Upon completion of the Master's program and obtaining the corresponding diploma, the graduate may continue education in the PhD program at KEU.

Direction "Economics" 580100

Profile: "Taxes and Taxation" (0411)

Duration of study: 4 years
Academic degree: Bachelor of Economics

Taxes and taxation are a vital link in economic relations in society. Taxes are the main source of revenue for budgets at all levels and an effective tool for government regulation of socio-economic relations. Without knowledge of specific tax processes, it is hard to imagine a manager or leading specialists.

The tax system, undergoing constant reform, undergoes significant changes, and only knowledgeable, highly qualified specialists can keep up with these changes.

The objects of professional activity for graduates of the "Taxes and Taxation" profile are the financial-economic activities of business entities. The main places of employment for graduates are the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic, Customs Service, and their local structural divisions, as well as ministries, agencies, commercial banks, insurance organizations, and other institutions.

While preparing bachelors in this profile, emphasis is placed on developing students' analytical thinking, their ability to self-learn, and the formation of systematic thinking, which is extremely useful in the dynamic field of taxation and financial-economic activities.

The knowledge and skills of graduates of the "Economics" direction, "Taxes and Taxation" profile, enable them to apply for prestigious positions in financial, tax, banking, and credit institutions in Kyrgyzstan.

Tax specialists are in stable demand in the labor market, with excellent prospects for further professional and career growth and the widest opportunities for work not only in the tax system but also in joint production enterprises.

A Bachelor of Economics in the "Taxes and Taxation" profile is capable of solving the following tasks:

  • Independently analyze and form competent opinions on the application of tax legislation;
  • Possess comprehensive knowledge in finance and taxation;
  • Determine directions for improving the current system of taxes and fees;
  • Ensure the effective administration of the tax system at the republican and local levels;
  • Organize work with taxpayers, control the use of funds entering the budget and off-budget funds.

The objects of professional activity for graduates of the "Taxes and Taxation" profile include the activities of business entities, their costs and financial results, functioning markets, financial and information flows, production processes, taxation systems, taxes, fees, duties, the mechanism of taxation, the correctness of tax calculation and timely payment of taxes, fees, and duties, tax burden, and the planning and forecasting of the tax potential of business entities and regions.

A Bachelor of "Taxes and Taxation" should have the following competencies:

  • Perform professional duties in calculating the tax base and taxes based on current tax legislation and other normative legal acts on taxes and fees;
  • Provide tax consulting for business entities and individuals, including on calculations and optimization of tax payments and tax reporting;
  • Analyze and assess the tax potential of regions and tax burdens of taxpayers, as well as the tax risks of tax relations participants, and take measures to reduce them;
  • Identify tax-related problems when analyzing specific practical situations, propose solutions in accordance with tax legislation, including ensuring tax compliance of civil contracts, determining the form and content of transactions and their tax and legal consequences, etc.

Opportunities for further education
A Bachelor who has mastered the main educational program in the "Taxes and Taxation" profile is prepared for further education in a Master's program in "Economics." Upon completion of the Master's program and obtaining the corresponding diploma, the graduate may continue education in the PhD program at SRU KEU.

  • G.A. Sansyzbaeva
    Associate Professor
    B.Ch. Ishenov
    Doctor of Economics, Professor
    T.Yu. Dzholdosheva
    Doctor of Economics, Professor
    U.U. Uzakbaeva
    Toktosunova Ch.T.
    Ph.D., professor
    E.Sh. Satylganova
    Associate Professor
    Zh.Z. Zhumalieva
    Associate Professor
    A.D. Elebesov
    Senior Lecturer
    M.T. Nazekova PhD,
    Associate Professor
    N.B. Omurgazieva
    Senior Lecturer
    Ch.D. Kachkynbaeva 
    Senior Lecturer
     N.K. Sharsheeva
    Senior Lecturer
    Zh.A. Osmonzhanova 
    Senior Lecturer
     A.S. Sovetbekova
    Senior Lecturer
    N.B. Esenamanova 
    Senior Lecturer
     M.K. Muratbekova
     N.M. Kurmanbekova
    Senior laboratory assistant