Department of Economy and International Economic Relations

Department of Economy and International Economic Relations

The Department of "Economics and International Economic Relations" is one of the leading departments of the university and provides training for specialists in the field of 580100 - "Economics" under the following bachelor's programs:

  • "International Economic Relations and Business" in Russian as the language of instruction
  • "Foreign Economic Activity and International Trade" in English as the language of instruction.


  • "International Economic Relations and Business" (Russian-language program)
  • "Foreign Economic Activity and International Trade" (English-language program)

International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Activity

International economic relations and foreign economic activity encompass the production, exchange, and consumption of goods, services, and ideas based on international labor division, addressing the limitless human needs and the limited availability of resources. The primary responsibilities of specialists in this field include searching for and processing international economic information, as well as engaging in practical activities related to the global movement of goods, services, capital, labor, and intellectual property.

Graduates specializing in "International Economic Relations and Business" and "Foreign Economic Activity and International Trade" are trained for practical, organizational, managerial, analytical, and research activities in the field of international economic relations. They are prepared to work in foreign economic and political institutions, government administrations, corporations, banking, insurance, and investment sectors, as well as in representative offices and enterprises engaged in international business, foreign trade, cultural exchange, and other related activities.

    A.T. Kadyraliev
    Doctor of Economics,
    Associate Professor,
    T.K. Kamchybekov
    honorary rector,
    scientific director
    Oruntaeva A.N.
    Head of Department,
    PhD in Economics,
    Associate Professor
    Musakozhoev Sh.M.
    Doctor of Economics, Professor
    E.B. Djumalieva
    Doctor of Economics, Professor
    S.K. Ryskulov
    Associate Professor
    G.K. Baizhanova
    Associate Professor
    G.Sh. Artykbaeva
    Associate Professor
    G.D. Alybaeva
    Associate Professor
    A.A. Asanbekova
    Associate Professor
    B.K. Alymseitova
    Ph.D., acting,
    associate professor
    A.A. Nurmatova
    Ph.D., teacher
    N.B. Adzhimidinov
    Senior Lecturer
    G.S. Ilipova
    Senior Lecturer
    N.A. Ryspekova
    Esenamanova S.A.
     K. Koygeldieva
    M.U. Soltogulova
    Ch.A. Kukanova
    Sh.A. Tyumenbaev