Department of Digital Economy and Programming
The educational program 580500 Business Informatics is one of the youngest and most promising fields of modern higher education. It is a new area of professional activity emerging at the intersection of economics, management, and information and communication technologies (ICT).
A bachelor in business informatics is a specialist who has received education in economics, management, law, and ICT. They are involved in the design, implementation, and support of corporate information systems. A business informatics graduate is an analyst, researcher, organizer, and manager.
The graduate can analyze and design business processes in an enterprise, build mathematical and structural models of business processes, plan the development strategy of information systems and ICT for enterprise management, provide analytical support for decision-making processes in management, and create new businesses based on innovations in ICT, among other tasks.
The objects of professional activity for a bachelor in business informatics are business process models, information resources and flows, and corporate information systems.
Profile: ICT Manager (1330)
ICT managers are unique specialists who are equally proficient in both economic and informational tools. They create, implement, and coordinate corporate information systems. They develop business models, plan and organize IT projects of various levels of complexity. Experienced business managers often become the top executives in companies, enter boards of directors, participate in decision-making about the firm's further development, and model and optimize business projects.
Profile: Business Analyst (2421)
A business analyst (system analyst) is a specialist in analyzing a subject area and formulating requirements for developing information systems and application software.
The primary product of a business analyst is organizational and technical solutions presented as technical specifications for software. Their work is based on systems analysis methodology, and the outcome should be the stable operation of the technology, meeting the technical specifications as per the client's requests.
G.D. Nogoeva
Head of Department,
PhD in Economics,Associate ProfessorT. Kerimkulov
Associate ProfessorA.M. Berdimuratov
Candidate of Physical
and Mathematical
Associate ProfessorF.Sh. Kulueva
Associate ProfessorN.B. Tanikulov
Associate ProfessorK.D. Abykeev
Associate ProfessorT.K. Kasmaliev
Senior LecturerA.A. Zhekshenova
Senior LecturerG. Elebesova
Senior LecturerB.S. Chertikeeva
TeacherK.M. Sagynbay
TeacherK.N. Aibek
LecturerA.T. Shakirova
TeacherA.N. Toktogulova
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